Topic 1:
Favorite Photo(s)
This one is my favorite, but I didn't put it up on my blog because it
didn't have enough people in it. Or it wasn't newsworthy. Or whatever.
A discarded M&M's wrapper in the dew-dappled grass on the campus of OSU - November 12, 2015 |
But I like it. I loved the dew on the grass, so I MACRO-ed in on the
candy wrapper and composed my shot. Yes!
But seriously, my favorite picture that I actually put up on my Photojournalism blog is this one, of Hayden Smith jumping over a rail on his skateboard.
Skateboarder Hayden Smith hops off the deck, as his skateboard rolls under the rail, at the skate park in Corvallis - November 14, 2015 |
This photo stood out because I'm a sucker for this
kind of
picture. The stopped motion always gets me, and I end up looking at these pictures longer than I look at the others.
Topic 2:
My Goals
I set some goals way back in Week 1, three to be exact, and these are them:
My goals for this class include getting some of my work published, improving my ability to take news-worthy photos, and gaining the confidence necessary to take pictures of strangers making news.
First goal: Get some of my work published. Yes! Multiple times my pictures were featured in print in the Commuter.
A woman holds a burning candle at the candlelight vigil for Umpqua Community College, at LBCC - October 7, 2015 |
Second goal: Improve my ability to take news-worthy photos. Yes again, my skills have improved. (Unfortunately, my name-getting skills are still not-so-good.)
Foodservice workers serve food in the courtyard of LBCC - November 12, 2015 |
Third goal: Gain confidence necessary to take pictures of strangers making news. Yes, I have gained confidence in taking pictures of strangers, now I need to get their names.